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Variable And Literal



Fixed values directly written in the code.


  1. Numbers: 4, 102, -21, 4_000_000 (underscores for readability).
  2. Booleans: True or False.
  3. Text: "python" or 'This language is fun!'.
  4. Lists: [1, 2, 3].



Names that store values in memory.


Use a name, =, and a value (e.g., price = 45.50).

Naming Rules

Use letters, numbers, or underscores without spaces. Must start with a letter or underscore.

Data Types:

  1. Integer: Whole numbers (e.g., -2, 0, 23).
  2. Float: Numbers with decimals (e.g., 3.14, -0.001).
  3. Boolean: True or False.
  4. String: Text (e.g., "Thailand").
  5. NoneType: Represents no value (None).

Type Function:


Check the type of a value (e.g., type(4) returns int).

Type Casting:


Changing a value from one type to another.


  1. String to Float: float("4.5").
  2. Float to Integer: int(3.14) (removes decimal).
  3. String to Boolean: bool("") is False, any other string is True.

Code Example
# Numeric literals
price = 45.50
age = 24

# Boolean literal
is_printed = True

# String literal
course_name = "Python for Beginners"

# Performing an operation with a variable
tax = price * 0.09

# Receiving input from the console
user_input = input("Enter a number: ")

# Type casting the input to a float
user_number = float(user_input)

# Printing the results
print("Price:", price)
print("Age:", age)
print("Is Printed:", is_printed)
print("Course Name:", course_name)
print("Tax:", tax)
print("User Number:", user_number)